Demand Clemency Justice In New York State

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Support the Clemency Justice Act

Sign the petition


Demand Gov. Hochul Pardon Assia Serrano

Sign the petition


Demand Gov. Hochul Commute Christopher Simmons

Sign the petition

Contact your New York State Representative.


Use the call/email script.

“Hi, my name is ______ and I’m calling as your constituent. Deportations and incarcerations continue to tear apart New York’s families, but New York fails to take leadership on clemency which can protect our people from forced separation. For too long, New York’s clemency process has been broken, non-transparent, and complicated. We need a clemency process that works for our most vulnerable communities and will protect our people from harm. As my representative, I call on you to support the Clemency Justice Act (Senate bill number S7667 and Assembly bill number A9145), and co-sponsor this bill today.”